Plastic Surgery in Colombia, is a topic that always brings Dr. Lina Triana to the spotlight, being constantly invited by the media to share her vision, given her experience and reputation.
Up next you’ll find her appearances in radio, television, newspapers and other media.
What is the J plasma/Renuvion and for what it is for?
It is a new technology that help us tighten our skin, the manufacturer says with J plasma/ Renuvion there is 65% more tightening of the skin, but it is important to understand that each patient is different so results can never bee generalized. It can be done after a liposuction or in those patients that […]
Newsletters HIGHLIGHTS
09 03 2024
Dr. Lina Triana Transforms Johan Sebastián’s Reality
“Johan Sebastián Ortega is 4 years old and has very prominent ears. His parents want him to undergo ear reduction surgery because they say the child has already started receiving teasing from his classmates and has even received comments from strangers on the street. His mother recounts that once, while walking with Johan, a woman […]