Dr. Lina Triana

Breast implant removal or breast explantation

In recent years there has been an increase in the number of women seeking removal their breast implants, also known as breast explantation.

It is important to highlight that despite the fact that a large number of patients report that removing breast implants improves some symptoms that may or may not be related to the implants themselves, there is not enough scientific evidence to date to confirm this, which is why it is important to communicate to that women who wish to have her implants removed that she will generally go through a reconstructive process on her breasts and prepare her for the impact that not having implants can mean for her.

The reasons why breast implants are removed are varied, either because they do not feel comfortable with the size of their breasts, they do not want to have to change implants again in the future or they present non-specific symptoms ranging from joint pain, skin allergies, fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, among others.

“As a plastic surgeon I am here to help reconstruct your breasts in case you no longer want to have breast implants in your body, but if the reason is because I hope all symptoms will go away, you are going into surgery for the wrong reason.

Many times we make the decision of removing  breast implants because they have completed their body or simply for me as a woman the size of my breasts is no longer a priority, however we cannot forget that breasts reinforce our femininity and that when we make the decision of removing them we can end up with small and not very harmonious breasts.


What is a breast explantation?

The term explantation refers to the definitive removal of breast implants, it is also called removal of breast implants, in this procedure the scaring tissue surrounding the implant or capsule is also removed, which is called removing the implant en bloc.

How is an explantation performed?

An incision is made in the lower part of the breast to later remove the implant, the scar tissue and the capsule. The type of approach is defined in conjunction with the patient, but it is generally performed with an inverted T incision in order to be able to reconstruct the breast with muscle, fat and/or breast tissue, leaving a smaller and not always harmonious look.  proportioned breast.

How are the breasts after removing the implants?

When the implants are removed, the surgery must necessarily go with a reconstructive procedure because otherwise an empty bag would remain and what we want is to leave a harmonic breast. In the surgery, the muscle, fat and/or breast tissue will be worked on, seeking to give the breast a new shape so that the woman, even if she does not have the implant, continues to show off a cleavage in the best way.

What care should be taken after surgery?

The explantation is an outpatient procedure that takes about 3 hours and generally does not require overnight stay. You will go home with a drain that will allow fluid to drain during your recovery process. The recovery time lasts around 3 weeks, so you must follow all the recommendations, do not use force or lift heavy objects for at least 1 month, and you must wear a special bra for at least 8 weeks after the explantation.

If you are thinking of having a definitive removal of breast implants, it is important that you verify who will perform the procedure, the place where the procedure will be performed, that the ideal surgical plan is carried out for you, and that you are in optimal health conditions to perform it.

