Dr. Lina Triana

Prevent aging signs in your face

In colombia the face lift surgery or rhitidectomy has increased 13.4% in the las year according to ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastci Surgery)

Aging, genetics, sun exposure, contamination and bad habits take away skin brightness giving it a less appealing look. Then wrinkles appear with gestures (dynamic wrinkles) that latter deepen to become permanent showing even without gesticulation of our face. These permanent wrinkles can be seen around our eyes and mouth, also in our forehead and cheeks. Afterwards we will see how natural folds start to show more, like the nasolabial fold (this fold starts in the nasal base and goes towards the mouth) all being aging signs in our face. These plus the gravity force of our planet earth favor formation of eye bags and sometimes shadows and also loose skin giving a tired look. Also a descend in face and neck tissue and skin can be seen with a droopy cheek and an undefined mandibular border. The face lift surgery seeks restore a natural facial look by repositioning the skin and muscles of the face but is not intended to stop the natural aging process.

Depending on each individual case and having always in mind how to better achieve a natural and harmonious face the surgeon can offer other surgical procedures such as an endoscopic brow lift (to reposition your eyebrows position), a blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), and neck lift. There are other ways on how a face lift surgery surgery can be called such as a facial rejuvenation procedure, facial rejuvenation surgery or rhitidectomy.

For Dr. Lina Triana it is important to listen to her patients understanding their surgery expectations to be able to make a treatment plan that is right for you, ending up with a natural appearance and staying away from unnatural, too tight and inexpressive faces. Your skin texture, wrinkles around eyes and mouth, and cheek and forehead do not necessary go away with a face lift surgery, this is why Dr. Lina Triana will analyze each patient individually to recommend what is your best option to enhance your surgery. Non surgical procedures such as hyaluronic acid, botox, plasma, radiofrequency treatments, laser resurfacing , etc, are options that can help enhance your face lift surgery or rihitidectomy.

A facelift can be done with a short or long scar. The short scar procedure is usually done in patients with mild to moderate aging facial signs and in those that have a lot of facial sagging or need work on their neck need longer scar can be needed.

Candidates for this surgery are those that want to improve their face and neck appearance and generally are older than 40 years old but to be a good candidate for this procedure it is more important how deep I have my natural folds and how much loose skin I have in my face and neck.

For recovery from a facelift surgery Dr. Lina Triana recommends the use of a tight garment on the face for the first week that help decrease swelling and reposition skin. Recovery time is around 10 to 15 days but varies from patient to patient, you can see a more rejuvenated appearance 20 days after the procedure but you can still have some inflammation for a month and a half after surgery.

Remember that this procedure like any other has risks but you can minimize them if you choose a well trained plastic surgeon. Dr. Lina Triana’s experience plus hundreds of satisfied facelift patients who chose her us their surgeon makes Dr. Lina Triana the perfect candidate to perform your surgery, you can reach her office for more information or ask for an appointment at colombia@drlinatriana.com or call 1 305 454 5638.
