Follow these recommendations and prevent falling into inexperience hands
Once you decide to have an aesthetic procedure for enhancing your beauty it is important to follow certain recommendations to prevent complications that can arise from non suitable health practitioners in non authorized places; nevertheless we need to know procedures are never cero risk but we can minimize them if we follow these recommendations:
- Verify the health care practitioner, he/she must be a professional. If you are thinking in getting done a plastic surgery procedure you should go to a certified plastic surgery specialist. Scientific societies such as the Colombian Plastic Surgery Society – SCCP – in Colombia and others such as the International Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery – ISAPS – internationally have as members certified plastic surgeons.
- If you are having a procedure done in Colombia the place where this procedure will take place must have the municipal and/or state secretary of health department authorization.
- Always thinking in your safety you must have certain lab exams and checkups with different doctors before your surgery to make sure you are in good health for your procedure.
- Make sure your surgery plan is ideal for you. In plastic surgery we do not make moldes, every patient is unique, that is why it is so important that you tell your doctor what you really want and expect so that he/she can exam you and look at your medical records evaluating your risks and ending up with the ideal surgery plan for you.