Dr. Lina Triana


Losing hair is a condition that men and woman suffer. With time, hormonal changes, inherited genetics, consumption of some medications and even smoking, can increase hair loss occurrence. When men start losing their hair in areas such as forehead sides and on the top back of their heads this can be a sign of a hair genetic inherted baldness condition.

First signs to show that something is happening are visible hairs in the pillow and hair loss while showering or brushing your hair, nevertheless it is important to pay attention if these symptoms show up and stay for months since hair density starts to be reduced. It is normal to loose 100 – 150 hairs a day specially at certain times of the year but more than this can be worth paying attention.

Fortunately today we have alternatives that run from surgical to non surgical options to help treat this condition.

A Non surgical options is a PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma treatment for the scalp. This procedure is recommended to be related 3 times for better results since we have a better chance to have a higher concentration of the patient’s own growth factor that will enhance hair growth.

Surgical options are a hair transplant surgery that can be done with the strip technique or FUE, a one by one hair follicle manner without the need of big scars. Hairs are taken from the occipital and lateral areas of the patient’s scalp, called donor area, and later redistributed in the areas where a low hair concentration is found. Why the donor area is the occipital and lateral scalp areas, because here there is less concentration for dehydrotestosterone receptors that when present in other scalp areas in high concentrations, generally secondary to a genetic predisposition, debilitate hair follicles to the point that they stop growing and die. These surgical hair transplant procedures are done under local anesthesia.

Once you decide to have these or other procedures done always look for a profesional that has the knowledge, training and experience in the procedure that he / she says will do on you.
