Dr. Lina Triana

Breast augmentation surgery also contributes to woman’s psychosocial well-being

A recent study published by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), suggests that women who have had breast augmentation surgery report greater satisfaction, not only with the general appearance of this area, but also in their physical, sexual and psychological aspects, representing an improved overall well-being.
The study revealed that general satisfaction with breast augmentation isdirectly related to the liking of the breast appearance attained, which indicates that patients may be willing to tolerate a small amount of temporary discomfort in order to see an improvement, not only the appearance of their breasts, but also in their life in general.

“In this study, we have identified that breast appearance after surgery is a specific factor correlated to the patient´s overall satisfaction. This finding allows plastic surgeons to take measures to improve the already high level of satisfaction with breast augmentation, focusing on giving the patients a realistic expectation of the post-operatory look of the breasts during the pre-operatory assessment,” said Michelle Coriddi, MD, from The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, and main author of the study.

On another hand, the conclusions on the improvement of sexual and psychosocial well-being after the procedure clearly demonstrate that breast augmentation surgery has positive effects that go beyond the improvement of the appearance of breasts.

Dr. LinaTriana´s opinion on the matter: “we see once again how plastic surgery, in this case breast augmentation, achieves its final goal: to improve the patients’ quality of life.”

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, during 2011, 38,779 breast augmentation surgeries were performed in Colombia and 316,848 worldwide, making it the most performed surgical procedure in women and the second most popular among the general population.
