Dr. Lina Triana


Eliminating small fat deposits in your body is for many women, and men, the main objective when they decide to undergo cosmetic treatments without surgery. These are no magical procedures but they are a great alternative for those who do not want to undergo surgery, either because they do not have any down time, they do not want to go to the OR or have a surgery done.
In my office I can offer you non surgical alternatives that according to your case and with previous assessment I will recommend to you.


It is a state-of-the-art procedure that allows to reduce fat deposits without surgery, anesthesia or down time, it works by killing the adipose cells by freezing them (Cryolipolysis) and later getting rid of them by body metabolic processes such as urine.
Unlike other procedures that eliminate fat deposits, Coolshaping is a non-invasive technology in which no needles or anesthesia is used, nor does it require surgical incisions to be performed, you only need the availability of approximately an hour, time the procedure lasts. When you leave you may have redness in the treated area and in some cases a bruise, no need to wear tight garments or anything else needed to be done after the procedure.
With this technology it is possible to treat different areas of the body such as abdomen, back, hips, arms, thighs, double chin and just anywhere in the body where a fat deposit is present. For best results more than one procedure is recommended per area.


It is an alternative for not only eliminating fat deposits but allow body shaping, eduction in cloths size and helps regenerate collagen and elastin fibers, improving skin tone. Here we offer different devices and technology customizing your treatment accodring to what your really need. Your personalized treatment plan will be put together after previous assessment. For better results expect treatments of 20 sessions. Some technologies used:
– Cavitation
– Radiofrequency (monopolar and / or bipolar)
– Vibrotherpy
– Carboxytherapy
– Thermotherapy


This technology is ideal for those people who have extra skin in the abdomen, arms, thighs, back rolls, double chin. Wrinkles in upper abdomen area or sad navel look can be good options too for this treatment.
With this device energy is concentrated in the treated area producing a controlled thermal damage at the dermis level, favoring collagen stimulation and skin tightening.
All the above therapies and devices can be used individually or as a complement to each other.
As in any aesthetic treatment, I recommend to keep up with the results, a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise and plenty of water intake.
