Dr. Lina Triana

FACIAL REJUVENATION: Give back youth to your face

Aging is a natural process in human beings, which becomes progressive and irreversible. The first signs of aging begin to be noticed in the wrinkles that we call dynamic wrinkles, which are those that are formed by facial mimicking, by gesturing, and that with the passing of the years go from being dynamic to static, that is to say that these type of wrinkles, static wrinkles, are present without gesturing and show as permanent marks on our face. Additionally, the volume and elasticity of the skin begins to decrease, in some cases eye bags with or without dark circles and excess skin around the eyes, making us look sad and have a tired face look.

Fortunately there are alternatives such as facial rejuvenation (Rhytidectomy), also called Facelift, with which we can reposition the muscular structure that supports the skin, providing greater stability and improving excess skin in the face. A face list also allows you to have a more defined mandibular ridge, reduce facial furrows and even improve the neck area. In some cases depending on your initial assessment you can complement a face lift with other procedures such as a frontal endoscopy (to reposition the eyebrows), blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), procedures that bring complete harmony to the face.

For Dr. Lina Triana it is very important to listen to her patients and understand their expectations to put together a surgical plan according to the needs of each patient, likewise she always seeks to make them look very natural, avoiding an artificial and stiff appearance ending in expressionless. The quality of your skin, the marked expression lines, the deep wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, cheeks and forehead, are not necessarily removed only with a facial rejuvenation surgery, this is why Dr. Lina Triana analyzes each patient individually, recommending what will be the best option to complement your surgery.


The facial rejuvenation surgery or Rhytidectomy can be performed in two ways, either with a long or short scar, the ideal one for you will depend on whether the facial aging is mild to moderate and if the neck is heavy or flabby. A long scar will be ideal for those people with greater skin laxity and for whom the neck area must be worked. The best option for you will be defined during consultation.


This procedure is recommended for people over 40 years of age who wish to improve the appearance of their face and who have considerable laxity in the skin.


You will leave your surgery with a drain and a bandage on your face, you will also have to stay in the hospital one night in order to have you under observation and be aware of your evolution. The next day the drainage and the surgical bandage will be removed. In order to help the healing and repositioning of the muscles, the first week it is recommended to use a chin guard throughout the day, it is estimated that the recovery time varies between 10 to 15 days depending on each patient and when the inflammation decrease, you will be able to see your face much more rejuvenated.It is important to bear in mind that all surgeries have risks, but it is possible to reduce them if your surgeon has the knowledge, training and experience to perform the procedure.
