Dr. Lina Triana


In Colombia having an aesthetic plastic surgery is no longer a tabu, today our country is in the top 12 countries where more aesthetic procedures are done world wide. It is important to follow your doctor recommendations after your surgery, by doing so you will decrease chances of having complications. This is why today I present to you important pot surgical follow up recommendations:

  1. Rest: It is important for your recovery period, no strenuous exercise. Decreasgin day to day activity can be crucial for your recovery.
  2. Pain: You will feel some pain after your procedure, this is why it is very important for you to take medications in the dose and time recommende by your doctor. it is not advisable to take auto medicated drugs. 
  1. Tight garments: According to your surgery type, your doctor will recommend or not the use of a tight garment. Garments help in the healing process controlling swelling, decrease pain and helping to reposition loose skin. They can also decrease liquid accummulation called serum. How much time you use your garment will depend on what procedure you had and also vary from patient to patient and doctor to doctor.
  1. Walk: Staying in bed all day and for several days after surgery can increase risks such as blood clot formations also know as thrombosis that can affect different areas ind our body, blocking how blood flows to certain areas. This is why after surgery t is recommend that you walk around your house every hour to promote blood circulation and diminish blood clot formations.
  1. No sun: After a procedure and while you still have bruises you must no have any sun exposure since you can end up with dark spots on your skin where the bruises where. Also if you have a scar that is still red you should not expose it to the sun since it can turn from red or pinkish to dark or brownish color. While the scar is red or pinkish it is considered to be immature. Scars take an average of 6 months to mature (turning for red to white color) but some patients can have a red scar even after two years. While you have an immature scar it is very important to wear sun block.
  1. Follow your doctor recommendations: Lotions, massages and other treatments can be recommended to your after your surgery. Many times these will vary according to each individual surgery and recovery process. 
